Our Highland Location
Our Highland Location opened in 2011 for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old, in a beautifully renovated building that's bright, spacious and has everything our kids need!
The last building we opened was in 2014, for our Highland After School Arts Program, which is on Route 9W in Highland.
All inquiries about either our main day care facility or the after school program can be directed to the Haviland Road location: 845.691.7565

Health & Safety
Children learn good health and safety habits, as well as personal hygiene at Rose Hill. But we also know how important their safety is to you, every minute of the day. Our centers are equipped with sophisticated fire alarm and sprinkler systems, and fire drills are conducted on a regular basis to prepare children to meet any emergency situation with confidence and security. Our staff includes individuals certified in First Aid, CPR and MAT (Medication Administration Training). We have a registered nurse that visits the center periodically to review our medical records, and have a working relationship with the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in order to keep a keen eye out for any new viruses or illnesses that could in any way endanger our students. Additionally, all buildings on Rose Hill campuses are securely locked at all times and no one may enter any doorway without a keycode or being admitted by a staff member. Your child's safety is absolutely paramount to us. We treat each one as our own, from the youngest infant to the oldest child in either our after-school or summer camp programs.