
Our Pre-Kindergarten class prepares children to begin their formal academic career. Activities are created to work on a variety of "readiness" skills. For example, our focus on reading readiness includes everything from recognizing and writing their own names to recognizing patterns and rhymes. Math readiness includes honing skills such as recognizing numbers, sorting objects and sequencing. 

Our Pre-K children also work on motor and social skills, such as holding a pencil correctly, standing on one foot, listening while others are speaking and using words to express emotions. Self-help skills are also an important part of school readiness.

All of these skills are practiced and reinforced through games, activities and daily routine. Science experiments, art exploration, and dramatic play all add to the variety of experiences and individualized care that we provide to each student.

Pre-K "Readiness Skills"

During the year, your child will be learning readiness skills in five areas in order to best prepare them for Kindergarten. These skills areas include Reading Readiness, Math Readiness, Motor Skills, Self-Help Skills and Social Skills. The following are just a few examples for each readiness skill:

Self-Help Skills

  • Dressing themselves
  • Practices proper hygiene
  • Using eating utensils properly
  • Cleaning up after meals & snacks

Social Skills

  • Listening while others speak
  • Uses words to express emotions
  • Sensitivity to feelings of others
  • Says "please" and "thank you"
  • Demonstrates patience

Reading Readiness

  • Recognizes and writes name
  • Matches pictures and objects
  • Understands beginning, middle and end of story
  • Listens to stories with interest
  • Recalls content of story
  • Hears differences in beginning sounds
  • Recognizes rhyming words
  • Identifies opposites

Math Readiness

  • Sorts objects
  • Counts, recognizes and copies
    numbers 1 - 10 or more
  • Identifies basic shapes
  • Understands sequencing

Motor Skills

  • Cuts on straight line
  • Holds pencil correctly
  • Transfers objects without spilling
  • Walks on a line
  • Catches a ball
  • Stands on one foot
  • Runs, climbs, jumps, hops

Pre-K Program Goals

  • To provide an atmosphere where children have respect for others
  • To learn proper use of equipment and materials
  • To provide a loving and stimulating atmosphere where independence and choices are encouraged
  • To promote the gaining of self-discipline, where children understand limits and expectations
  • To provide a wide variety of activities which cooperative play is encouraged, including art, math, science, language arts, cooking, music and movement, large muscle, outdoor activities, dramatic play and manipulative activities
  • To develop active curiosity about the world around and enthusiasm for learning, stimulating exploratory behavior and creativity
  • To develop in each child an appreciation for beauty and nature
  • To provide ample opportunity for the use of large motor skills and coordination through physical active play indoors and outdoors
  • To establish and keep a clean, orderly environment for the children to grow and develop


Example of Pre-K Program Schedule

Schedules vary slightly for each location and depending on the season. We keep all parents and caregivers up-to-date through regular communications kept in a folder with your child's name on it. 

7:30 - 8:45  Free Play, Bathroom, Breakfast
8:45 - 9:00  Group Activity, Exercise
9:00 - 9:20  Circle Time
9:20 - 9:30  Snack
9:30 - 11:00  Center Time: Dramatic Play, Art, Sensory, Manipulative, Writing and Science
11:00 - 11:30  Outside Time
11:30 - 12:00  Circle Time: Stories, Games, Singing
12:00 - 3:00  Lunch, Nap, Quiet Activities
3:00 - 3:10  Snack Time
3:10 - 4:30  Center Activities, Outside Time
4:30 - 5:00  Circle Time, Bathroom
5:00 - 5:30  Table Activities

*Outside time is based on weather conditions, but we try to get outside for fresh air whenever possible!